; Disassembled by: ; DASMx object code disassembler ; (c) Copyright 1996-2003 Conquest Consultants ; Version 1.40 (Oct 18 2003) ; ; File: drclick2.bin ; ; Size: 2048 bytes ; Checksum: 1285 ; CRC-32: 4C54B56A ; ; Date: Wed Jun 24 20:02:46 2015 ; CPU: Zilog Z80 (Z80 family) org 00000H ld a,003H out (002H),a ;write 03h to address 02 ld a,015H out (002H),a ;write 15h to address 02 ld l,000H ;clear l reg L000A: in a,(002H) ;wait for rec'd character bit 0,a jp z,L000A in a,(003H) ;read rec'd char cp 0FAH ;check for MIDI start jp nz,L001D set 0,l jp L000A L001D: cp 0FCH ;check for MIDI Stop jp nz,L0027 res 0,l jp L000A L0027: cp 0FBH ;check for MIDI Continue jp nz,L0031 set 0,l jp L000A L0031: cp 0F8H ;MIDI timing clock jp nz,L000A bit 0,l ;are we running? L0038: jp z,L000A ;if not, wait for next char xor a out (003H),a ;write 0 to address 3 jp L000A ;rest of first page of EPROM is filled with 00's .FILL ($100-$),000h .FILL ($800-$),0FFh ;then the reset of the EPROM is 0FFh's .end